Resources & Downloads

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Brookings Community Centered Economic Inclusion Strategic Playbook

Brookings Playbook

Community-Centered Economic Inclusion in Indiana Learning Lab graphic

Indiana CCEI Kickoff

Vibrant MC Playbook

Vibrant MC Meetings

Advisory Committee Meeting #1

February 16th, 2023

The Vibrant Michigan City initiative launched on February 16th with a kick-off meeting of the Advisory Team, comprised of community, city, and regional stakeholders.

Advisory Committee Meeting #2

March 16th, 2023

In the second Advisory Meeting for the Vibrant Michigan City initiative, Advisory Committee members received updates from consultants Katy Renn and Josh Anderson.

Advisory Committee Meeting #3

April 16th, 2023

The third Vibrant Michigan City Advisory Committee was a deep-dive into topics that had been brought up from the committee in the first two meetings.   

Advisory Committee Meeting #4

May 16th, 2023

The fourth meeting of the Vibrant Michigan City Advisory Committee centered heavily on the West Side and how the H.O.P.E Center can be transformed to be an anchor for the Westside. 

Advisory Committee Meeting #5

June 16th, 2023

The fifth meeting of the Vibrant Michigan City initiative was the final opportunity to review the playbook draft set to be published in JulyThe playbook will be put together based on the committee’s input.

Advisory Committee Meeting #6

July 20th, 2023

The sixth meeting unveiled the final playbook to the committee first and then to the public during a community event. More than 100 attendees joined the team to ask questions and hear more about the agenda items.